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Movies/Series: NHK ni Youkoso!, Gabriel Dropout, Dr. Stone, Summer Wars, Hello World.

Video Games: osu!, World ends with you, Persona series, Holocure, Final Fantasy VI & III, Zelda series, Stardew Valley, Metro Series, Needy Streamer Overload, Ace attorney series.

Cool tools I use:

Operating System: Artix Linux (OpenRC). With the Following utils:

  • DWM(window manager)

  • dmenu (application launder)

  • st (terminal)

  • herbe (notification)

  • nemo (file browser)

  • Browser: Hardened Furryfox.

    IDE/text editors: NeoVim, VSCodium, Visual Studio(rarely, when im on windows. wish they made a linux port since its a really cool IDE with cool debug tools).

    Programming Languages: C/C++. May learn Rust in future.

    Scripting Languages: Python, Shell Script, learning Lua with the LÖVE2D framework.

    Game Engines/Frameworks: Godot Engine, pygame, LÖVE, Unity3D (discontinued).

    3D stuffs: Blender.

    Industrial Society and It's Future

    I plan on learning Operating System/kernel developement, compiler design and CPU architecture and design in future.

    And more video game programming stuffs.

    Since you're already here, consider signing my guestbook

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    cpp cockcock miku

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